Year walk journal
Year walk journal

  1. #Year walk journal how to
  2. #Year walk journal Pc

You Can't Fight Fate: A major theme in the Journal entries: The Watchers will have their sacrifice Daniel will die.Would Hurt a Child: The Brook Horse who, according to legend, drowned children.Undead Child: The Mylings, ghosts of babies killed by their mothers or guardians.

year walk journal

This blood was not there the first time you visited the areas, and they disappear once the fetch quest is over.

  • Trail of Bread Crumbs: In order to find the Mylings you have to find and follow the trails/splashes of blood that lead to them.
  • year walk journal

    Thieving Magpie: The first time you see the Night Raven, it swoops in and steals the key.This isn't a knowledge that drives you insane or anything like that, it's just one of the fundamental rules laid out by The Powers That Be that humans are not meant to be able to look into the future, and if they do, it's the Watchers' job to punish that human for their transgression. These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: We are not supposed to know what happens in the future.Sharp-Dressed Man: The Brook Horse looks pretty dashing in that suit.Sanity Slippage: Theodor Almsten seems to get closer and closer to a breakdown the further into the research he gets.That's to say, you have to press the "U" and "N" keys on your keyboard. What to do? Hint: The key to opening the kiln is, indeed, keys. However, the player cannot open the kiln due to two blocks with the letters "U" and "N" securing its locks.

    #Year walk journal Pc

    In the PC version, one of the Mylings is hidden in the Myling's page in the Encyclopedia and another his hidden in the kiln. Another one of the Mylings hides under the screen, the only indication of it being there is blood dripping upwards, and in order to get it, the player has to turn their tablet upside down. For example, in the iOS verion, when the player is looking for the Mylings, one of them hides off-screen and the player has to forcefully scroll the stage beyond what they normally can to get it. Painting the Medium: Has traces of this in some of the puzzles.Ominous Message from the Future: In the second ending, Theodor sends a piece of a document detailing Daniel's execution and last words along with a pleading to stop himself from hurting Stina by ending his own life as well as a knife.Multiple Endings: Using the clues you get after beating the game normally, you can open the mysterious box in the middle of the woods and get a secret ending.That said, he is equally guaranteed to die in the end. Genre-Busting: In keeping with Simogo's motto of not making games in a specific genre, Year Walk is, as mentioned above, a point-and-click first-person survival horror and adventure iOS side-scrolling puzzle game with one additional twist: Despite being classified as a survival horror game, there is no way to actually die during it, so Daniel is guaranteed to survive.This is, of course, enough for the playable character to be able to open the box.

    #Year walk journal how to

  • From Beyond the Fourth Wall: The secret of how to open the box from the beginning of the game is never told to the playable character, only to the player.
  • For Doom the Bell Tolls: The Church Grim's appearance is accompanied with tolling bells.
  • Feathered Fiend: What, you thought that corvid was the Night Raven? No, no, the Night Raven is inside of that corvid.
  • The Fair Folk: The Watchers are all spirits that you're ultimately better off not coming across.
  • year walk journal

    They are just as dangerous as any of the other Watchers.

  • Enfant Terrible: Do not make the mistake of confusing the fact that the Mylings are ghosts of babies who long for their mothers with the fact that they are harmless, because they're not.
  • Mythologically, it's associated with death and disease, as well as with greed and hunger.
  • Creepy Crows: The Night Raven, especially in its true form.
  • The Huldra's article in the Encyclopedia outright states that she does not play according to human rules.

    year walk journal

    Most notably there's the fact that even though the Watchers keep the option readily available for humans to see into the future and even, to some extents, help them do this, year walking is strictly forbidden and the fine to pay for doing it is steep.

  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: It's all over the place, really.

  • Year walk journal